Market Research.

Market Research is proving that you know your consumers and that you understand their needs, understanding that requires much research and it allows them to compete with other competitors, primary research is personally figuring out your consumers needs and finding the underlying issues by yourself, secondary may be you giving your employees the job of finding the problems or even looking online to find the problems based on articles.

Differences between primary and secondary research.

Primary research is where you conduct your own research, this can be done through surveys, queries and it is were you find everything by yourself, advantages of this is that when you conduct your own primary research you can make sure all of the research is legitimate, and there is also disadvantages of this which is it very time consuming.

Secondary research is where you use other conducted research to conduct your own opinion, this may come from online newspapers, blogs or many other types of communication, a lot of the time secondary research is used to support primary research, conducting secondary research has a major advantage which is it is no where near as time consuming as primary, using other peoples research has a disadvantage which is because it is hard to prove the research they’ve conducted is true.

I personally think primary and secondary go hand in hand, because secondary is hard to prove that it is legitimate, using primary is easy to prove that some secondary research is true and even though it may time consuming, using both types of research allows both types to flourish.

Unique Selling Point

A Unique Selling Point (USP) is where a product tries to differentiate from other competitors. The products owners may make points to say they are different and they things other products don’t.

Knowing your Target Audience is extremely important, if you do not know your demographic you are most likely going to be less successful than other competitors because other competitors will know precisely what to aim for and you may not hit the demographic you are aiming for.

Products and Advertisements may use catch phrases to promote their products and doing this allows the product to be ingrained more into the audiences mind, examples of this include.

Avis (We’re number 2, we try harder.) I believe this specific catchphrase may to be to try and build a level of repeatably with their audience, they may be second place which may seem like a disadvantage but they use this disadvantage and turn it into a considerable advantages.

M&Ms. ( The milk chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your hand.) This an example of USP that uses quirkiness to attempt to sell their product, when advertisements use this technique it allows them to build a connection with their audience better than other products.

Domino’s Pizza. ( You get fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less or it’s free.) This slogan is too long to really be catchy but it very clear and anyone can understand, when advertised with such clarity the customers know exactly what to expect from this product.

In conclusion unique selling points help brands sell their product a lot easier, using catchphrases allows the brand to differentiate from other competitors in a minimum amount of words.

Types Of Audience

Target Audience – Target Audience is reaching to a specific demographic, so someone promoting a new gaming processor, their target audience would be pc builders.

Demographics – A Specific type of audience, so collectively a group of football fans is classified as a ‘demographic’


YouTubers Audience – A youtubers audience is usually specific to the genre of video they create, so a comedy channels demographic would be everyone whereas a youtuber who plays games their demographic would also be people who play games, because relatability is always attracting to an audience. Promoting their youtube video may be done on other social media platforms, such as twitter ‘tweeting’ the link to your audience.


Music Audience – A musicians audience could be reached through billboards, online advertisements and also through social media like a lot of audiences, there particular demographic would be people who enjoy their music so they could make short trailers on YouTube and Instagram.

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Communication Methods.

In this blog I will go over types of communication.

Text messages – Text messages is writing and sending electronic messages. Text message can contain any type of character, texts can also be sent to more than more one person at a time, they can be sent using wifi connection or mobile data.

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Phone Call – Phone calls are the act of electronically contacting someone, when on the phone the microphone from your phone uses your wifi or mobile data to connect with someone else’s connection to get as clear of a sound as possible, mimicking a conversation you could have in real life electronically.

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YouTube – YouTube is a social media platform where ‘creators’ make videos to broadcast themselves to the world, anyone can access a YouTube video and create one, millions could access this video and is a perfect way to communicate with all your fans, and even if you don’t make videos yourself the ‘comments’ section allows you connect with other users on the platform.

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Blog – Writing a blog is similar to a YouTube Video but instead of making a video you write paragraphs, stories or whatever and publish it to the world, if made public a blog may be seen by anyone and they may be able to contact the author directly on certain sites.

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Snapchat – Snapchat is a picture and messaging surface that allows you to send pictures with a caption/message, this allows people talking to get a better picture of what the person based on the picture, snapchat also allows you to write ‘stories’ which allows you to send pictures to all your other ‘snapchatters’ which could include thousands of friends all being reached at the same time, people are also allowed to swipe up and ‘react’ to your story.

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Video chat – Video chats essentially combine phone calls and snapchat into one, allowing you to speak directly with anyone (if you have their number) and also shows your face if you have a camera, so you may talk and show your face, so the video call allows you to show facial expression and communicate, mimicking an in real life conversation.

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Instagram – Instagram is a social media platform that lets the owner of an account post pictures to their ‘followers’ and lets the followers to ‘comment’ on the picture, expressing their opinion, Instagram (Mobile Version) allows you talk in personal messages to your followers.

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Sign Language – Sign language is the method of using visual gestures and signs for deaf people and to communicate with deaf people.

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Newspaper – Newspapers are usually issued daily or weekly using multiple sheets of paper with ink with the news of that week, this allows the author to communicate with fans as well but the downside is that the people who want to reply it is not as easy to get in contact. Newspapers also contain advertisements expressing further collaborations; which of course spreads further communications as well.

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Film Classifications

In this entry I will typing about the classifications of movie age ratings; and showing examples of movies with these age ratings

U – U stands for Universal and is suitable for all ages.

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U – U stands for Universal and is suitable for all ages.

PG – PG stands for parental guidance, this means those under the age of 4 are permitted to watch with parent and/or parental guardian.

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12 – 12 means that those under 12 are not permitted to watch movies with this age rating. Those over 12 are allowed.

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12A – 12A means that anyone under 12 can watch this film if with an adult, and those over 12 can watch without an adult.

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15 – 15 age rating means that no one under the age of 15 may watch even if they’re with an adult, the only people allowed to watch this film is those over the age of 15.

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18 – 18 age rating means that no one under the age of 18 may watch even if they’re with an adult, the only people allowed to watch this film is those over the age of 18.

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BBFC – This stands for British Board of Film Classification, this is a non-governmental organisation founded by the film industry in 1912 and responsible for the national classification and censorship of films exhibited at cinemas.

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Image result for Avengers endgame dvd
See the source image
Avengers Endgame -Released April 26th 2019, Adventure, Superhero.
Classification 12.
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Finding Nemo, released 10th October 2003, Animation Adventure and Comedy. Age Rating – PG

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Batman Begins, Released 16th June 2005, Action Adventure, Age Rating – PG